Will a Humidifier Help With My Dry Eyes & Allergies?
When you are exposed to allergens by inhaling or swallowing them, or getting them into your skin, your body produces an antibody that causes a histamine reaction. Symptoms of allergies include itchy eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, hives, rashes and an ill or tired feeling.
You can inherit a predisposition to allergies. According to Web MD, one out of every five Americans suffers from allergies.
Treatment for Allergies and Dry Eyes
Humidifiers can relieve stiffness and swelling in your nasal passages, as well as treat sinus headaches and asthma. Increased humidity in the air will also moisturize your eyes. Humidifiers use small silver particles to kill bacteria and viruses. Germ-free air filter system will eliminate pollen, mold and dust mites from the air.
Humidifier Features
Your humidifier should feature a built-in humidistat in order to effectively regulate the humidity level of the room. Without this feature, mold and bacteria can grow and be released into the air. Automatic shut-off should occur when water runs out, ensuring fire prevention safety.
Clean Your Humidifier
Using distilled water in your humidifier will prevent mineral deposits from forming. Mineral deposits present in tap water lead to the growth of bacteria, which can then be released into the air and inhaled. Furthermore, change this water often to prevent deposits from forming. Every day, empty the tank and completely dry it before refilling it with fresh water.
Every three days, clean the humidifier. Unplug the machine and use a hydrogen peroxide or bleach solution on the tank. Rinse it thoroughly to prevent these chemicals from releasing into the air when you use the humidifier next. Clean it thoroughly before you store it away, and again when you bring it out to use again.
Dirty humidifiers can breed bacteria that will make you sick, especially when you already have bad allergies. If you do not clean your humidifier regularly, you may present with flu-like symptoms.
If your climate has too much humidity, use a dehumidifier, which will collect the moisture from the air without leaving behind a chilly room.