Shrimp Allergy Remedy
Shrimp Allergy Help
Though scientists aren’t fully sure what causes allergies, James F. Balch and Mark Stengler, authors of “Prescription for Natural Cures,” say that many allergies run in families. In addition, children fed a certain food too early might develop an allergic response to that food. Symptoms of a shrimp allergy include hives, rashes, eczema, difficulty swallowing, headache, fatigue, sneezing and coughing. Though some symptoms are generally mild and manageable, make sure that you get emergency help immediately if you have trouble breathing after eating shrimp, .
In addition to avoiding shrimp, you should also eat a diet full of nutrient dense and whole foods to help build your immune system. Find Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. You can also find Vitamin C in supplement form. Take 1,000 mg two to three times a day. The bioflavonoids in Vitamin C will help reduce your allergic response to shrimp and other foods. Make sure to vary your diet to avoid eating too much of one food, as this could lead to other allergies as well.
The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking a multivitamin that contains Vitamins A, E, B complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc and calcium along with Vitamin C. Also, you will find that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and build immunity. Take one to two capsules daily or one to three tablespoons daily to reduce your shrimp allergy symptoms.
Take a probiotic supplement as well. Probiotics maintain the gastrointestinal tract and build immunity. Take five to 10 billion CFUs of a probiotic a day. The supplement L-glutamine repairs the lining of the small intestine and improves absorption. The UMMC says that L-glutamine also builds immunity. Take 500 to 1,000 mg three times a day.
In addition to taking supplements, make sure to drink a glass of water every two hours that you’re awake, as this will flush allergens out of your system.
Finally, if you are a mother whose family has struggled with food allergies, make sure to breastfeed your infants, as breast milk naturally protects against allergies. If you do formula feed, choose a hypoallergenic formula, since one made from cow’s milk could cause a dairy allergy later.