Natural Remedies for Coffee Allergy
Avoid Coffee and Caffeine
Avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages and foods in order to prevent an allergic reaction to coffee. Stay away from decaf products as they contain the same proteins as caffeinated coffee. Do not eat or drink chocolate, sodas with caffeine and other café drinks such as lattes, mochas and cappuccinos. Avoid touching coffee beans or ground coffee as this can cause a skin reaction such as hives. The best way to treat and remedy a coffee allergy is to avoid it all together.
Use Homeopathics
Use homeopathic medicine to help cure coffee allergies and strengthen the immune system. Go to your local health food store or holistic health store and talk with a naturalist about the homeopathic options for a coffee allergy. Use the homeopathic medicine as instructed by placing the tablets recommended under the tongue allowing them to dissolve quickly. Homeopathics can be used with other medications and do not cause any major side effects. Use the homeopathic remedy whenever you believe you've come in contact with coffee in any form.
Build the Immune System
Build the immune system in order to handle the allergic reaction properly. When the body has an allergic reaction to coffee, it undergoes some stress which can weaken the immune system. Eat a well-balanced diet that is full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Drink at least six, 8-oz. glasses of water daily and get at least eight hours of sleep. Implement a daily exercise routine and avoid stressful situations. Strengthen the immune system by taking a daily multi-vitamin in order to maintain proper levels of needed vitamins in the body.