Weed Pollen Remedy
How Allergies Work
The immune system produces proteins called IgE antibodies to protect your from what it considers as a harmful substance like weed pollen. Though pollen will not make you sick, the body responds to it as it would and releases histamines. Histamines are what cause your allergy symptoms such as swollen eyes, congestion and runny nose. By taking an antihistamine or allergy shots, you are able to prevent the histamines from disrupting the body.
There are two types of over-the-counter and prescribed antihistamines you can use to combat weed pollen: first-generation antihistamines and second-generation antihistamines. First-generation antihistamines can cause a sedating effect in people, which generally causes drowsiness. These drugs include Benadryl Allergy, Vicks NyQuil, Chlor-Trimeton and Dimetapp Cold. The second generation of antihistamines are longer acting and non-sedating. You can such second-generation medications during the day like Alavert or Claritin and then take the first generation at night as long as their acting times do not overlap.
Allergy Shots
Allergy shots or immunotherapy are performed by a doctor and given to those suffering from severe allergies. They work by injecting purified allergen extracts into your bloodstream to slowly increase your tolerance to weed pollen. Generally, you have to make an appointment for your shots once a week for a few months before they reduce your visits. Those taking beta-blocking medicine should tell their doctors before having this type of treatment. During your first treatment you will be monitored to see if you have any life-threatening side effects. Further treatments should have reduced side effects to the exposure of the allergen.
Weed Pollen Count
You don't need to be taken off guard by weed pollen season. The Weather Channel at weather.com provides a map of the country where weed pollen is at its worst. You are able to see where weed pollen is high and low. By regularly monitoring this map, you are able to prepare for your next bout of allergies. Buy antihistamines or schedule an appointment with your doctor to fight back against the ill effects of weed pollen.