Home Remedies for Allergy Attacks
Nasal Flushing
Allergens may enter your body through your nose, making nasal cleansing an important part of allergy treatment. Using a neti pot, a small plastic or ceramic pot with a long spout that holds about a cup of water, will relieve sinus problems and allergy symptoms. Mix water that is slightly warmer than body temperature with 1/8 tsp. salt. Leaning over a sink, turn your head to the right, and gently pour the saline solution into your left nostril so that it drains out of your right nostril. Repeat with your head tilted to the left, pouring the saline solution into your right nostril. Then gently blow your nose. If you do not have a neti pot, any clean plastic bottle with a squirt nozzle will suffice.
Lime Juice with Honey
Drink lime juice with honey in boiled water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach during allergy season. It helps soothe your throat that is scratchy from post-nasal drip, helps eliminate toxins from your body, and is a great source of vitamin C. This treatment is not ideal for you if you do not tolerate citrus acid well.
Food Allergies
Mild food allergy symptoms include itchiness, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, stomach pain and intestinal distress. Severe food allergy symptoms could cause your body to swell and your throat to close; you may develop intense hives and breathing difficulties, resulting in a trip to the emergency room. The best treatment for food allergy is to avoid foods to which you are allergic. To prevent food allergies, rotate foods so that you don't eat the same things every day. Vary your diet so that you leave three or four days before you consume a particular food again. Watch your body for symptoms of allergies within one hour of eating. Flush your system with sufficient water and avoid processed foods.
Prevent allergies at home by changing the air filters in your air conditioning or heating unit every month without fail. Vacuum all carpets weekly, or more often you have pets. Keep dust under control by cleaning often and using a dusting product that traps dust rather than launching it into the air. Wear a protective mask while vacuuming and dusting if you are sensitive to dust and dust mites. Choose natural cleaning solutions instead of harsh commercial products whenever possible.