How to Kill Fungus in the Sinus Cavity With Probiotics

Studies at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have discovered that the cause of chronic rhinosinusitis is a reaction to certain fungi. Studies also being done at the University of Michigan are researching whether probiotics are helpful in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. If probiotics are found to be effective, they may be considered as an adjunctive treatment for patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.

Probiotics are live microorganisms and commonly known as friendly bacteria that are present in your stomach. They help to maintain the normal functioning of your immune system. Patients with fungal sinusitis should safely be able to take probiotics in conjunction with treatments their doctors have prescribed. Probiotics are available in grocery and health food stores in the form of yogurt, tablets and capsules

Things You'll Need

  • Probiotics
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  1. How to Take Probiotics for Fungal Sinusitis

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      Ask your doctor if you can take probiotics in conjunction with your other prescribed therapies. Probiotic therapy should not be used in place of conventional medical care or treatment. If your doctor agrees, ask him for advice on a brand you should take. Take the probiotics according to your doctor's instruction or the directions on the packaging.

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      Keep in mind that the effects from one strain of probiotic do not always carry over to others; or for different preparations of the same type of probiotic. They are not standardized in the way they are manufactured. One type you buy in a grocery store may not be the same that you buy in a health food store.

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      Contact your doctor if you experience any ill effects from taking probiotics. Remember when using probiotics, that like any dietary supplement, they may cause side effects, trigger allergic reactions or interact with prescription or nonprescription medicines or other supplements.

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