How to Get Rid of Taste in Mouth From Optivar Eye Drops
How to Get Rid of Taste in Mouth From Optivar Eyedrops
Eat a meal. Unless otherwise directed, administer your eyedrops before you're ready to eat breakfast or lunch. The taste of the drops should last only a few minutes, although it might seem like longer. If you eat, you'll still notice the taste a little, but not as much as if you did nothing. You might want to keep away from orange juice or other citrusy juice or fruit, because that could intensify the taste of the medication. Just think of what happens when you brush your teeth and bite into a piece of grapefruit.
Eat a mint. A strong mint, like an Altoid, might overpower the taste of the medication. Pop two if the taste is especially unpalatable for you.
Drink wine. Of course you should check first with your doctor to make sure the he says it is OK to drink alcohol with Optivar, or with any other medication you're on. But wine, or another strong drink like scotch or whiskey, could be overpowering enough that you might not notice the medication residue.