Signs and Symptoms of Mold Intolerance
According to the Mayo Clinic, when a person is allergic to mold, his or her immune system overreacts when mold enters the body. A mold intolerance affects the respiratory system causing a variety of ailments depending on the severity of the problem.
Signs of mold intolerance include watery eyes, difficulty breathing, sinus infections, runny nose, and sneezing.
Being allergic to one type of mold does not mean you are allergic to all molds. Getting a full allergy test by a qualified physician can determine exactly which molds you are allergic to.
Asthma or allergy medicines may be useful in helping control symptoms of mold intolerance.
Molds are common and appear everywhere--in our foods, our homes, our workplaces, and outside. It is impossible to avoid mold exposure entirely, but people with mold allergies should try to avoid known sources of mold whenever possible.