What Are the Causes of Shellfish Allergy?
Each type of shellfish contains a different type of protein; proteins in the shellfish cause some people's immune systems to release more histamine in response to their body's seeing a certain shellfish as a poison.
Symptoms of shellfish allergy range from hives, eczema and gastrointestinal problems to rapid heartbeat, flushing of the face and neck, trouble breathing, wheezing, a drop in blood pressure or severe dizziness and itching, which can signify anaphylactic shock and can cause death.
Avoiding Shellfish
Reading labels and researching shellfish derivatives is key to avoiding ingredients that may be hidden in foods. Examples of shellfish derivatives include abalone, cockle, shrimp, scallops, surimi, lobster, periwinkle and whelks.
Eating at Restaurants
Cross contamination, which is when the same utensils or pans are used after being used for cooking shellfish, carries the risk of a tiny bit of shellfish protein getting into your food; the risk of this happening in a restaurant is high. Restaurants may also reuse oil that has been used to cook shellfish, which can be dangerous if most menu items are fried.
Avoiding Shellfish In Supplements
Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, primarily used for arthritis pain, usually contain shellfish, as stated on a warning on the label. Read labels carefully, and look for the non-shellfish glucosamine. If there is no shellfish warning, do not assume it's safe; call the company and find out for sure before taking.
Reading Labels
Reading all labeling for phrases such as "may contain shellfish" or "manufactured on equipment with shellfish" is the key to avoiding shellfish in the unlikeliest of places.