Allergy Relief With Topical Nose Creams
Nose Creams
Nose creams that treat itching and other allergy symptoms are a great alternative to more traditional allergy pills. Many allergy pills like Benadryl have unwanted side effects, like drowsiness, that are a problem for some people. Nose creams are a relatively new type of allergy treatment that promise most of the same results as pills without the negative side effects. The cream works by blocking the entrance of the most common allergens, like pollen and dander, and preventing them from entering the nasal passage where they cause the mucous membranes to become inflamed. Itching and nasal discharge follow the inflammation.
Dr. Swetlana Swetz of the Federal Scientific Research Center in Moscow, Russia conducted tests on the cream in a double-blind study to note its effectiveness. Ninety-one people between the ages of 18 and 55 participated. The study found that the cream was effective in reducing allergy symptoms, and yielded no unpleasant side effects.
The cream must be applied evenly along the rim and inside the nostrils with a finger or cotton Q-tip. The cream must be reapplied every 3 to 5 hours to continue working. Users must avoid touching the nasal area after applying the cream to keep it from rubbing off. The cream is currently manufactured in Europe under the brand name Dr. Theiss Alergol Pollen Blocker Cream.