How to Get Allergy and Sinus Relief
For sinus allergy relief consider buying a netipot. A netipot is a good solution for a sinus headache or sinus infection. To use a netipot you fill the small pot with warm water and a tsp. of salt. Mix the salt water solution and then gently tilt your head to one side, while pouring the water into one nasal cavity until it comes out the other side. This will wash out pollens and extra mucous that is clogging your sinuses. You will find a huge amount of sinus allergy relief if you do this! Many people swear that their allergies and sinuses improved 90% just by doing this one thing.
Next, for allergy and sinus relief consider getting regular allergy shots. An allergist injects substances that you are allergic to under your skin. Your body builds up a resistance to the allergen, thus reducing future symptoms. The treatment lasts for 3-5 years, but most people find allergy and sinus relief almost immediately. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in this allergy treatment.
If you want immediate allergy and sinus relief then expose yourself to steam. If you have access to a steam room then take advantage of that. If you don't have access to a steam room then fill up a pot of water, bring it to a boil, and turn the burner off. Stand with a towel over your head to block in the steam and breathe in as much steam as you can. This will loosen up your sinuses and make you feel much better.
Sinus allergy relief can also be found by taking allergy medications and by taking vitamin C. Vitamin C does a lot to reduce allergy symptoms.