How to Clear Head Congestion and Allergies If Medicine Isn't Working
Things You'll Need
- Neti pot
- Horseradish
- Chili peppers
- Vacuum
- Dehumidifier
- Tea tree oil
- Vitamin C
How to Clear Head Congestion and Allergies if Medicine Isn't Working
Use a Neti pot each morning and night. These are teapot-shaped plastic containers which can be purchased at many drugstores. They come with a special salt-water rinse that is mixed with distilled water and used to cleanse the sinuses. Place the spout in one nostril while leaning down over a sink. Allow the solution to flow through your sinuses and out the opposite nostril. It will rinse mucus, allergens, and bacteria out of your nasal passageways. View the video in the Resources section to learn how to use the Neti pot effectively.
Use horseradish and chili peppers in your food as often as possible. These are natural decongestants and work to expel mucus and allergens from your body.
Vacuum any carpet in your home to trap and eliminate dust, pet dander and allergens which can cause allergic reactions and head congestion. It is best to vacuum daily. If available, use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a high-efficiency particulate arresting (HEPA) filter.
Place a dehumidifier in your bedroom to eliminate moisture from the air. Excess moisture can irritate bronchial passageways and increase congestion.
Place three drops of tea tree oil per one cup of water in a pot. Boil the water and place your head over the pot and breath in the steam for five minutes. Do not allow steam to burn your face. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral essential oil. It can be purchased at many health food stores and drugstores.
According to, you can take 1000 mg of Vitamin C every eight hours to decrease histamine levels in the body. This reduces head congestion and allergies.