How Can I Destuff My Nose?
When attempting to destuff your nose, it's less traumatic on your sensitive nasal passages to try natural remedies first. One of the most natural and least invasive ways is using steam. Since a stuffed nose can get worse if the mucus in your sinuses dries out and becomes thicker, steam can help move things along. This can be done by inhaling the vapors coming from a hot mug of tea, taking a warm, steamy shower with the door closed, or by utilizing a facial steamer. Place your face near the steam, being careful not to scald yourself, and try to gently breathe some steam in through your nose.
Making sure the air you're breathing is moist, by using a humidifier or vaporizer, will also help keep sinuses from drying out.
Neti Pot and Saline
One very effective way of cleansing your sinuses is by using a Neti pot. This small pot looks similar to a tea pot. It has a long spout that you insert into one nostril. Tilt your head over a sink or tub and gently pour the water into your nose. If there's room, it will filter through one of your nostrils straight through your sinuses and pour out the other, cleansing and soothing your sinuses. Use water that is about body temperature and add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt (not table salt) to the water before you pour it into your nose. After you wash one side, wash the other, and blow your nose gently in between. If you aren't this adventurous, a saline spray is also very effective. This can be purchased over the counter or you can make your own with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and water. Spritz the solution up your nose as necessary.
Spicy Foods and Exercise
If you're a fan of spicy foods, you can eat something hot to get your sinuses flowing. Smelling an onion or using menthol will cause a similar effect. When your nose begins to run, try to gently blow it to get rid of mucus and irritants.
If you're feeling up to it, exercising will help ease your stuffy nose by generating better blood circulation and shrinking your nasal membranes.
Over the Counter Remedies
If natural methods aren't working, use an over the counter nasal relief spray. Keep in mind that overuse of this spray may lead to a rebound effect, which can make your nose stuffier than it was in the first place. Save this remedy for when you absolutely need it and use sparingly. You can also purchase decongestants from the store. These usually come in pill form and may have side effects like nausea and dry mouth, eyes, and nose.
What to Avoid
In addition to trying to destuff your nose, avoid things that may make it worse such as further allergen triggers, milk products, and fermented beverages likes beer.