Cat Allergy Relief for Children
Cleaning is a key component to combating cat allergies. The cleaner an environment is kept, the less likely the allergy will become an overwhelming problem. Encase mattresses and other furniture in hypoallergenic covers or pads. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter daily, and also use HEPA filters in your air conditioning unit to reduce allergens in the air. Installing an air purifier in your home will also help decrease allergens in the air, which is ultimately the most helpful thing you can do to keep your child from suffering. Wash bedding weekly in hot water. Dust regularly, keeping things like wall hangings, tapestries and books--which easily collect dust--clean. If possible, remove carpeting from your home. Carpets hold more dander than hardwood floors, and maintenance of hardwood is much simpler than carpet, which requires daily vacuuming and monthly steam cleaning. Maintaining a high level of cleanliness is important in combating children's cat allergies and should be taken seriously, because these allergies can sometimes lead to childhood asthma.
Cleaning can also be applied to the maintenance of your cat. Dander contains the protein which causes allergic reactions and as such your cat should be kept clean to help diminish allergens in the environment. Spay or neuter your cat; the protein that causes allergic reactions is controlled hormonally. Wash or bathe your cat one to two times a week and wipe down the cat with a wet cloth daily.
Personal Maintenance
Talk to your child and explain his allergy to him. Guide him in steps he should take to prevent an allergic reaction. Children should wash their hands with warm soapy water after handling pets. Do not allow the cat(s) to sleep with or in the same room as your child. Do not allow your child to take part in cleaning the cat or its litter box. Over-the-counter allergy medicines like children's Benadryl can also be helpful in reducing symptoms caused by cat allergies.