Prevention of Allergies From a Clothes Dryer Intake Filter
Delegate the cleaning and disposing of the lint from the clothes dryer intake filter to someone else in the household. If you have children who are old enough, show him or her how to properly clean and dispose of the lint and have him or her do it as a normal chore. Have a specific trash can designated for the lint outside of the house to avoid the lint from floating in the air and affecting your allergies. Be sure to have the individual thoroughly wash his or her hands after discarding of the lint. At the close of the week, before trash day, have the person close the trash bag by tying it and placing it out by the curb for pickup.
Wear Protective Articles
Wear protective clothing articles that will have the purpose of only being used to empty the intake filter. Purchase a face mask, disposable gloves and a coverall jacket only used for this task. Wear these articles of clothing to prevent the lint and dust from entering the airways, touching the skin or getting under the fingernails. After each use, dispose of the gloves and leave the face mask hanging outside or in the garage to avoid the dust from entering the house. Wash the cover-all jacket at least once a week or more often if you have emptied the filter more than usual. Always wash your hands and lower your arms after handling the intake filter.
Take Medication
Take medication if you are severely allergic to dust from the intake filter because there is dust all around the house. Buy a 24-hour, daily antihistamine such as loratadine and take it consistently. Loratadine is the most effective at preventing an allergic reaction when taken on a daily basis for longer than two to three days. You could, alternatively, take a more powerful antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine is more powerful and more effective than loratadine, but does have the side effect of making a person drowsy.