How to Build up Immunity to Allergies
Eat a well balanced diet that contains the essential minerals and vitamins to help ward off infections and disease. Increase of the use of beta-carotene as this strengthens the collagen in the cells and makes it harder for the allergens to penetrate the cells hence making them immune to these allergens. The use of mullein is also recommended to build immunity to allergies. Mullein leaf is an herb that helps to provide mucilaginous protection to the mucous surfaces in the body hence reducing allergen absorption through these membranes.
Increase the use of bioflavonoids in the diet as this strengthens the permeability of capillaries. Capillaries are found all over the body and their function is to allow nutrient and waste exchange at the cellular level. When capillaries are strengthened they become more resistant to any invasion of allergens. Bioflavonoids are especially found in the peels and white pulp of the citrus fruits.
Rest adequately as the body requires proper rest in order to get recharged from the stress of daily life. Also during deep sleep the body releases the potent immune-enhancing substances to strengthen the immune function.
Exercise regularly for 25 to30 minutes for a stronger immune system. The body's overall fitness helps to create a reserve capacity that acts as a buffer against disease and helps the body recover more quickly in times of illnesses.
Increase the intake of vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E. A larger amount of vitamin C, up to 200 mg daily, helps to increase the levels of the blood protein immunoglobulin, or disease fighting antibodies, produced by the immune system. Vitamin D and vitamin E are also critical for improving the effectiveness of the immune system.