Aloe Allergy Relief
For centuries, the aloe vera plant has been popular for its medical properties. This natural plant has even been used as an effective medication to relieve skin allergies. Skin allergies may be triggered by chemicals, dust mites, perfume, pollen and food items. When exposed to allergens, the collagen tissues found in your respiratory system and the walls of your intestinal tract weaken, allowing foreign attackers to invade your blood stream and, finally, cause the allergic reaction.-
Properties of Aloe
Aloe vera is a succulent and stemless plant from the lily family. It has thick, firm but fleshy leaves with serrated edges. Its color ranges from dark green to grayish green, and the plant grow yellow flowers with 2cm- to 3cm-long corollas.
Aloe vera is grown and cultivated in regions with climates that are frost-free. The aloe plant grows well in sandy, well-drained soil. The plants grow widely in tropical areas of the world.
Why Aloe Helps with Allergies
Aloe vera's pH is acidic. This enables your body to produce the right levels of hydrochloric acid, which aids in the proper digestion of food. Those with allergies tend to have weaker digestive processes, which prevent them from properly absorbing the nutrients that come from the food being fed to their bodies. If your body begins to receive the appropriate amount of nutrition, this will prompt your body to produce collagen and you will start building up tissues to shield off those allergies.
The aloe vera plant also has the glycol anon complex, which is also an agent that helps strengthen your body's cell walls and tissue structures. The yellowish sap from the aloe plant contains natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve allergies by reducing swelling, irritation and pain. Other essential ingredients are Lupeol, Camestrol, B-sitosterol and salicylic acid, which supply extra relief for allergies.
Aloe Vera Products
For medical uses, the lower leaf of the aloe plant is used. The gel that can be extracted from the freshly cut leaf is applied to the skin allergy. Generally, you should apply aloe to the affected area three times a day.
The leaves and seeds of the plant are edible and can be used for beverages that help soothe the body internally.
As of 2009, there are many aloe products out in the market for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Should you be unable to find an aloe vera plant, some alternatives come in the form of gels, creams, lotions, scrubs, juices and even dietary supplements.