How to Lessen Allergies
Things You'll Need
- Antihistamine
- Saline spray
- Homeopathics
- Vitamin C
Lessen allergic reactions
Buy an over-the-counter antihistamine to overcome allergies. Use them as needed for allergies that come and go. Use a 24-hour antihistamine for seasonal allergies that are persistent. Talk to your doctor about stronger, prescribed antihistamines if the over-the-counter ones don't work. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of allergy shots.
Use homeopathic remedies on a daily basis during allergy season. Go to a health food store and purchase homeopathic remedies for your allergy symptoms. Purchase euphrasia for allergies that create swollen or irritated eyes, a runny nose and continuous tears. Purchase ferrum phosphoricum for any allergy symptoms producing inflammation such as in the sinus cavity. Use gelsemium for frequent sneezing, a heavy bodily feeling and dryness in the nose. Follow the directions on the labels.
Buy a saline spray from the pharmacy for less than $5. Use the saline spray daily to maintain proper moisture in the sinus cavity. Spray twice in each nostril. Hold one nostril shut while spraying in the other. Breathe in quickly and deeply through the open nostril as you spray so that the saline solution effectively reaches deep in the sinus cavity. Repeat on the other nostril. Spray three to four times a day or as often as needed.
Take vitamin C on a daily basis as it is a natural antihistamine. Take one, 250mg tablet in the morning, after lunch and with dinner to maintain the proper levels of the vitamin throughout the day. Increase the dosage to four times daily if your allergies get worse.
Avoid allergens. Use a HEPA vacuum to clean the carpets to filter the air while you vacuum. Use hypo-allergenic soaps, shampoos and detergents to reduce the chance of skin reactions. Contain pets to one location away from the individual suffering from allergies. Avoid foods that can increase mucus production such as dairy, wheat and highly refined sugars.