Reactions to Allergy Medications
The most common reactions to allergy medications include dizziness, drowsiness and constipation. These symptoms may subside as one's body becomes used to the medication.
Dry Mouth
Dry mouth, another side effect of allergy medication, can be remedied by sucking on candy or ice chips, chewing gum or staying hydrated by drinking water.
Notify your doctor immediately if you experience irregular heartbeat, difficulty urinating, seizures or ringing in the ears.
Allergic Reaction
An allergic reaction to allergy medication can include a rash, trouble breathing, itching, swelling or dizziness. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these occurs.
Certain medications, such as Parkinson's drugs,have a bad reaction with allergy medications. Make sure your doctor knows about all medicine you are taking, and if purchasing allergy medication over-the-counter, be sure to read the label for potential bad interactions.