Signs & Symptoms of a Nut Allergy in Kids
Your child's body, when encountering an allergen, releases histamines into his bloodstream. These histamines are what cause the allergy signs and symptoms. Once a child with allergies is exposed to a peanut or tree nut, you will usually notice a reaction within minutes; the reaction can last up to a day. In rare cases, the allergic reaction can show up after two to four hours. If your child is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, even a minute amount of one of these substances is enough to trigger the allergic response.
Breathing Symptoms
Wheezing or trouble breathing may occur in an allergic child who has been exposed to a peanut or tree nut.
Skin Symptoms
Eczema, hives, swelling, or itching--especially around the mouth, as that is often the point of exposure to the nut--tells the tale of an allergic reaction in a child.
Other Symptoms
In addition to skin or breathing symptoms, an allergic child who has been exposed to a nut may experience stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or a rapid heartbeat.
Anaphylactic Reactions
A child with a serious nut allergy runs the risk of anaphylactic shock, which often occurs immediately after exposure and can become serious quickly. Anaphylaxis causes the throat and mouth to swell, closing off airways, and it can lower the blood pressure dramatically.
Treatment and Prevention
Once you recognize the signs and symptoms of a nut allergy, act quickly. Treat anaphylactic shock with epinephrine (many severely allergic children will carry this injection with them at all times). Work with your child's school and caregivers to eliminate exposure to nuts. Pack your child's lunch yourself with safe foods only. Read all ingredients in foods, as many items contain hidden nuts or are prepared in factories that also produce foods containing nuts.