How to Treat Pollen & Ragweed Allergies
Talk to a doctor. There are many medications that can be taken daily to lessen your allergy symptoms. They come in many forms, from tablets to nose sprays to drops. Discuss the options and any possible side effects. If your problems are severe, consider seeing a specialist.
Consider allergy shots. These help you build up an immunity to ragweed and pollen. They are usually taken weekly and require a trip to the doctor's office. They can have side effects, including pain and swelling at the site of the injection.
Monitor pollen levels. Check weather websites when you plan outdoor activities. If you are allergic to pollen, consider staying indoors on high-pollen-count days or take an antihistamine before going out.
Eat foods known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Berries, apples, tea and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax seeds, can alleviate allergies or inflammatory conditions. Although changing your diet won't have a noticeable effect on the sudden onset of allergies, it may be preventative in the long term.
Wash and change clothes when exposed to pollen or ragweed from outside. You can also get pollen from pets that have been outside.
Wash your pillow and sheets on a regular basis, since they can collect pollen and ragweed.
Take your shoes off after going outside to avoid tracking in pollen.