Signs & Symptoms of Yeast Allergy
Symptoms vary widely and include digestive disturbances, such as acid reflux, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and bloating, as well as fatigue, migraines and mood swings. Severe cravings for sugar and alcohol are also common.
Frequent colds and infections resulting from a compromised immune system could be a sign of yeast allergy. In females, there may be severe or recurrent cases of vaginal yeast infections. Yeast overgrowth may be an underlying cause in many illnesses and disorders, such as alcoholism, depression, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The most common cause is an antibiotic that killed off the intestinal tract's natural bacteria, which kept the yeast population in check. A diet high in yeast and sugars can also be responsible.
The anti-fungal drug Nystatin is the preferred treatment for overpopulation of yeast, along with dietary changes. Nystatin has no known severe side effects but can cause nausea.
Foods to Avoid
Any foods containing simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, fructose, corn syrup, honey, white flour and white rice, should be reduced or eliminated from the diet. Breads and baked goods (including pancakes, crackers, etc.) containing yeast or white flour should also be eliminated. Vinegar, which is found in many salad dressings and condiments, should be avoided. Many commercial vitamins contain yeast, so check the label for "yeast-free."
Drinks to Avoid
Alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Soda, juice drinks and cider should also be avoided, and pure fruit juices should be limited or watered down. Avoid any commercial drinks that contain sugar or corn syrup, and do not add any sugar to beverages.