Sulfate Allergy Vs. Sulfa Allergy
About Allergies
Someone with allergies has an overactive or oversensitive immune response to certain allergens. The immune system attacks the allergen with excessive histamines.
Sulfur itself is an element, essential to life and present in the human body. No one is allergic to sulfur.
Sulfur Allergens
Sulfur compounds serve as the basis for other compounds, such as sulfa, sulfites and sulfates. These derived compounds can serve as allergens.
Sulfate Allergies
Sulfate is a polymer; it is made of potassium or sodium and sulfate. These do not cause allergic reactions. However, if prepared from shellfish, the shellfish could contaminate a sulfate supplement.
Sulfa Allergies
Sulfa drugs, or sulfonamides, can attach to proteins when metabolized. This larger molecule, which is a drug-protein complex, is what causes sulfa allergies.