The Best Way to Get Rid of Pet Allergies
Pets are great companions to have around, but unfortunately sometimes we can be allergic to them. Rather than giving away your pet, there are steps you can take in order to control your allergies.-
Many people are allergic to the dander on a pet, which is the dead skin that is constantly shed. If you aren't sure if you are allergic to your pet, there are some symptoms that may give you an idea. You may experience things like shortness of breath, red itchy eyes, runny nose or sneezing. If you notice that these symptoms get better once you are away from your pet, then you most likely have an allergy to your pet.
With good preparation and maintenance, there is no reason you should have to give up your pet if you have allergies from it. If you can, try removing your pet from the room that you use the most. Make it a pet-free zone and thoroughly clean it out in order to get pet hair and dander off of the furniture and out of the carpets. If you don't want to remove your pet from any room, try changing your bedding often and make sure to vacuum and clean the area more often.
Try getting an allergy shot. Allergy shots help fight allergies to pets and are relatively painless to get. Bathe your pet every week to remove excess dander on their body.
There are allergy-reducing sprays that can be used such as Allerpet. Use these sprays when brushing your pet daily. Be sure to wash your hands after playing or holding your pet.Consider wearing a pollen filter mask when handling your pet. Buy a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter to clear the air in your home. Invest in a good quality HEPA vacuum cleaner and learn to use the hand tools on your vacuum to get those hard to reach areas. Try taking over the counter allergy medication. There are many different brands out there, and you may have to experiment a little to see which ones work best for you. If your symptoms get worse or aren't improving at all, consider visiting your doctor to discuss different options for you and your pet.