Allergy Relief With no Pseudoephedrine
Antihistamines are a way to find allergy relief with no pseudoephedrine. Histamines are released during an allergic reaction. Antihistamines block the effects of histamines. Unfortunately, they are ineffective at relieving congestion. Oral and nasal forms are available and are often combined with a decongestant. Popular antihistamine medications with no pseudoephedrine include Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra. Beware, these same medications but with the letter "D" at the end of the names contain pseudoephedrine.
Leukotriene Blockers
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, "Leukotrienes are another substance released in the body that trigger allergic symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, postnasal drip, or wheezing." Singulair blocks leukotrienes. It brings allergy relief to patients and contains no pseudoephedrine. Both children older than 2 years old and adults can take Singulair.
Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory agents with no pseudoephedrine that combat the common allergy symptoms, itching and swelling. They are usually administered for allergy relief in a nasal spray or cream. Brand names of corticosteroids are Flonase, Nasonex and Rhinocort. Severe allergic reactions sometimes require an injection or oral administration of corticosteroids.
Decongestants constrict blood vessels and resulting in reduced swelling to give you allergy relief. The National Institute of Health says, "Phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylephrine are the most common decongestants." Phenylpropanolamine is a decongestant that is designed to give you allergy relief. The brand name of the medication that contains it is Dimetane. Phenylephrine is found in the brand name decongestants Deconsal CT, Entex La, Histinex HC and Neo-Synephrine.