Jaffe Allergy Technique
How it Works
Practitioners apply the Jaffe-Mellor Technique under the assumption that microorganisms, or External Pathogenic Factors (EPFs), cause the immune system to be overworked, which in turn results in allergies or other problems. According to AcupunctureNow.com, when these EPFs become lodged in certain areas of the body, the immune system attacks them, damaging healthy tissue in the process. According to AcupunctureNow.com, the Jaffe-Mellor Technique relies on isolating the "energetic signatures" or vibration patterns of these EPFs, which can then be used to eliminate them. These energetic signatures are reproduced in glass vials filled with water, which are key instruments used in Jaffe-Mellor Technique therapy sessions.
Jaffe-Mellor Technique Therapy Sessions
The Jaffe-Mellor Technique traditionally utilizes a combination of muscle testing and acupuncture or acupressure--as well as guided breathing--to eliminate EPFs from the body. According to QuackWatch.com, a typical session requires a patient to hold a glass vial filled with a specific energetic signature or allergenic material and then to move in a variety of positions and breathe in specific patterns while the practitioner measures muscle resistance. If a weak spot is found, the practitioner gently taps along the patient's spine, while he or she holds the vial in place. Acupuncture (a therapy that utilizes tiny needles to prick the skin) or acupressure (the intense massaging of a strategic area) is then used--according to the technique--to balance the patient's energy levels and remove EPFs. However, according to the official Jaffe-Mellor Technique website, JMTtechnique.com, newer JMT therapies rely solely on muscle resistance testing and no longer utilize vials or needles.
According to QuackWatch.com, the Jaffe-Mellor technique is referred to in the scientific community as an applied kinesiology (AK), which means it is inherently pseudoscientific and is not supported by testable and observable facts.
Also, careful reading of the official JMT website shows that while the creators of the technique--Carolyn Jaffe and Judy Mellor---have backgrounds in medicine and patient care, neither have PhDs.