How to Make a Saline Sinus Rinse
Individuals who suffer from chronic sinus problems can benefit from saline rinses. These saline rinses work to clear nasal passages and thin out mucus. Saline rinses can also rinse out allergens that may be causing some sinus problems. You can purchase saline rinses at any pharmacy, or you can make your own.Things You'll Need
- 1/4 tsp. of pickling salt
- 1/4 tsp. of baking soda
- 8 oz. of warm water
- Netty pot
Purchase a netty pot if you don't already have one. Netty pots are designed to administer the saline rinse in each nostril correctly. You can make your saline sinus rinse directly inside of it.
Pour the water in the netty pot. Add the baking soda and pickling salt.
Mix all of the ingredients together, and use immediately. Make sure you tilt your head to the left side as you place the nozzle in your right nostril. Pour half of the solution in. Then tilt your head to the right side as you pour the rinse in the left nostril.
Repeat twice per day until your sinuses have cleared up.