Nasal Massage for Congestion Relief
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion is a condition caused by blood vessels in the nose becoming inflamed. This in turn swells the membranes and tissues that line the air passages in the nostrils and sinuses. The result is what's known simply as a stuffy nose. Nasal congestion can have effects ranging from mild discomfort to severe headaches. In the case of infants, it can actually cause death, since babies only breathe through their noses.
The Sinuses
Humans have four sets of sinuses in their heads. One is in the forehead above the eyes (the "frontal sinuses"). The second set is in the cheekbones (the "maxillary sinuses"). The third is between the eyes and the nose (the "ethmoid sinuses"). And the fourth is behind the eyes and the nose (the "sphenoid sinuses"). The sinuses are open chambers with air in them. The walls of the cavities are lined with mucous membranes. When the membranes swell, there is less air in the chambers and a feeling of heaviness and stuffiness occurs. As mucus from swollen membranes develops, it has trouble draining normally, and the sinuses clog. This results in congestion.
Nasal Massage
Nasal massage for congestion relief is more accurately termed "sinus massage," for it is the sinuses, rather than the nose, that when massaged will relieve the stuffiness. Massaging the sinuses opens blocked passages allowing air to enter the sinus chambers and clogged mucus to start flowing naturally again. If mucus has hardened in the sinuses, gentle massaging provides enough friction to generate heat that softens the clumps, allowing them to drain.
Nasal massage is done using the tips of one's fingers in gentle circular motions for 20-to-30 seconds at a time. Since the sinuses might be tender, it is important not to use too much pressure on them, for it could cause pain.
Since the sinuses connect air passages throughout the face and head, congestion relief can often be obtained not only through massaging the sinuses themselves, but also by massaging the jaws, neck and ear lobes.
Nasal massage is a natural therapy that one can perform on oneself.