Over-the-Counter Treatment for Mold Symptoms
Risk Factors
If you have a family member with allergies, you have an increased chance of developing a mold allergy. Other factors may include:
• High indoor humidity
• Poorly ventilated house
• Working in an occupation with mold exposure
• Exposure to a building with excess moisture
Symptoms of mold allergy are triggered by your overly sensitive immune system. When you come into contact with airborne mold spores, your body treats the mold spores as invaders and develops antibodies to fight them.
The symptoms of a mold allergy are similar to other allergies in the upper respiratory system, and may include:
• Sneezing
• Runny nose
• Cough
• Sinus inflammation
• Watery, itchy eyes
• Itchy nose and scratchy throat
Antihistamines work by blocking histamines, which are released by your immune system during an allergic reaction. Over-the-counter antihistamines work well but may make you feel drowsy.
Decongestants can be taken as a liquid, in tablet form or as a nasal spray. If you suffer from high blood pressure, consult your doctor before using decongestants.
Cromolyn sodium nasal spray should be used several times a day. It relieves the symptoms of mold allergy by blocking the release of histamine. Cromolyn sodium works more effectively if taken before symptoms develop.
To control irritating nasal symptoms, try irrigating the nose with an infant nasal bulb, or a soft rubber ear bulb syringe. Stir 1/4 tsp. salt into 2 cups warm water, and then draw up this solution into your bulb or syringe. With your head tilted downward and rotated to the left, insert the end of the syringe into the right nostril, and push or squeeze the bulb quickly.
In a few seconds the solution will drip out of the other nostril. Repeat with the left nostril, turning head to the right.
Follow these steps to help prevent mold exposure.
• Sleep with your windows closed
• Fix leaky basement pipes
• Ventilate damp areas of the house such as bathrooms, basements, and kitchens
• Clean shower curtains regularly to keep mold from growing
• Avoid going outside after a rainstorm, or in foggy weather
• If you're raking leaves, or working in the yard, wear a dust mask over your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling mold spores.