Do Allergies Make You Sound Nasally?
Avoid Allergens
For the best treatment of nasal congestion, avoid allergens completely, according to the AAAAI. Visit a doctor to identify if you're allergic to certain foods or airborne particles. Once identified, avoid the allergens as much as possible. Avoid dairy products even if you're not allergic to them because dairy can cause the body to overproduce mucus, which can perpetuate nasal congestion. If you have a food allergy, do not eat that food or byproducts made from that food. Avoid the outdoors if you have seasonal allergies. Stay indoors and use an air conditioner or heater to filter and recycle the air.
Take Medication
Take medication to reduce swelling in the sinus cavity and control the production of mucus. An over-the-counter antihistamine such as Benadryl, Claritin or Zyrtec can help with the allergic reaction by blocking the body's release of histamine. Initially, histamine is released to protect the body, but it ends up producing the common symptoms of allergies such as nasal congestion. Take an over-the-counter decongestant such as Sudafed to reduce swelling and inflammation of the sinuses. A decongestant will open any blocked nasal passages, resulting in normal vocal tones.
Use Natural Remedies
Use natural remedies to restore the nasal passages to a healthy state, promoting a normal voice. Use a sinus rinse (neti pot) to cleanse and moisten the sinus cavity. Mix one cup of warm water with a half-teaspoon of sea salt and pour it into neti pot. Place the opening of the neti pot on the right nostril, tilt the head so the chin is parallel to the shoulders and pour the solution into the nostril. Allow the salt water to go throughout the sinus cavity and come out the other nostril. Gently blow the nose and repeat on the other nostril. Eat spicy foods to open the sinuses as well. Eat three gloves of garlic daily if the sinus congestion is due to an infection, as garlic is nature's most powerful antibiotic. Use a saline spray as needed to maintain proper moisture in the sinuses.