Itchy Nose Relief
Allergies are triggered when an irritant, such as dust, pollen or animal dander, is inhaled, making the immune system go into overdrive. This can result in excess nasal drainage, irritation and itching. In most cases involving allergies, if the irritant is removed, the allergic reaction will subside. However, if the irritating source is unidentifiable or unavoidable, the symptoms must be treated.
A good start for treatment and relief of an itchy nose comes in the form of over-the-counter and prescription nasal sprays and antihistamines. Common nasal sprays combine saline (salt) and water to simultaneously dry and flush the nasal passages and provide temporary relief. Other nasal sprays use steroids and histamine blockers to decrease nasal swelling, block possible immune-system allergic reactions and allow for uninhibited air flow. Home treatments include flushing the nasal cavity with salt water by inhaling it through the nose, inhaling steam from boiled water, or swabbing the nasal passages with tea tree oil.