How to Remedy Allergies Without Medicine
Perform nasal douching. Rinse out your nasal passages with saline solution. This helps remove offending particles from your nostrils. The best way to do this is to purchase a kit that contains either a neti pot or bulb syringe along with a ready-made solution. Follow the directions included with the product.
Experiment with natural therapies. The University of Maryland Medical Center and natural health expert Dr. Andrew Weil suggest the following supplements might be of benefit: quercetin (125 mg daily), stinging nettle (600 mg daily) and butterbur (500 mg daily). Try acupuncture; it has been shown to relieve allergies in some people.
Pay attention to see if stress aggravates your allergies and symptoms in any way. If you find a link, experiment with stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing and positive visualization.
Limit or eliminate dairy in your diet; it contains a protein known to interfere with proper immune function and cause the immune system to overreact to allergens.