Allergy Relief Sprays for Furniture
Mite-Nix Allergy Spray
Mite-Nix Allergy Spray is a new product that is sprayed directly onto furniture to eliminate allergy problems caused by dust mites and pet dander. It can also be used on carpeting, bedding and mattresses, and can even be used as a laundry spray. Mite-Nix is environmentally friendly and biodegradable and can be purchased at major online sites such as
HomeCleanse Allergen Spray
HomeCleanse Spray is primarily composed of eucalyptus oil and claims to neutralizes more than 75 percent of dust mites in furniture. There are no harmful chemicals, and it can be sprayed on furniture and carpeting once a month (once a week if the home has pets). HomeCleanse is manufactured in the United Kingdom and can be ordered online.
Allermold Spray
Allermold Spray offers a nontoxic solution to eliminating mold and mildew growth for up to 90 days. It is safe to spray on furniture and in any room of the home. For best results, it must be reapplied every two weeks. It can be purchased online.