About Yeast Allergies
When a person with a yeast allergy ingests yeast, the body responds as if it is under attack. The immune system will target the intruder and release antibodies and histamine to ward off the foreign substance. Yeast allergies are also referred to as chronic candidiasis, the most common yeast found in the human gastrointestinal track. A person who is considered to have a yeast allergy would be more accurately categorized as having too much yeast in her system. A true yeast allergy is rare, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
The most common symptoms of a yeast allergy are joint pain, facial swelling, bloating, hives, watery eyes, itchy throat, mood swings, shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure and wheezing. The symptoms will appear within five minutes of consuming a yeast product and can continue for hours if not properly treated.
Take an antihistamine to treat an allergic reaction. The most recommended over-the-counter antihistamine for a yeast allergy is diphenhydramine, commonly known as Benadryl. Taking diphenhydramine will prevent the body from producing histamine and cause the symptoms of the allergic reaction to subside. Diphenhydramine should take effect within 15 minutes after ingesting it. If symptoms persist for two hours after taking diphenhydramine, contact a medical professional immediately.
Avoiding all foods that contain yeast will prevent an allergic reaction. A person with a yeast allergy should also eat one to two servings of yogurt a day to encourage the growth of good bacteria (probiotics) in the digestive track. Probiotics may also be purchased in supplement pill form from grocery stores, pharmacies and health food stores. Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking six 8 oz. glasses of water daily and getting eight hours of sleep a night will strengthen the immune system to help the body overcome allergic reaction.
A yeast allergy can lead to a yeast infection. A yeast infection can cause issues with the body and skin, such as rashes and the spreading of the infection. A yeast infection can weaken the immune system and vital organs, leading to more severe complications. A yeast infection can cause a fungal sinus infection that can spread to the ears, chest and brain. Getting treatment at the first signs of a yeast infection is crucial in controlling and preventing any further complications.