Juniper Allergy Relief
Natural Allergy Treatments
Juniper allergies cause allergic rhinitis symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose and breathing difficulty. Nasal congestion and sinus pressure can be treated with homeopathic oral decongestants and nasal irrigation systems and sprays.
A neti pot or other nasal irrigation system filled with 2 cups of lukewarm water and a sodium bicarbonate mixture of 1 tbsp. of salt and 1 tbsp. of baking soda effectively drain the nasal passages of excess fluid and mucus. Tip the head to the opposite side of the nostril in which the mixture is being administered, allowing the solution to drain from the opposite nostril. Switch sides to repeat for best results. Be careful if you have ear pressure; it may worsen after using a nasal drainage system due to excess fluid in the Eustachian tubes that lead to the middle ear, causing ear infections.
Allergic Asthma Remedies
Asthmatics may suffer from juniper allergies, resulting in lung and airway inflammation that can cause throat soreness, wheezing, chronic coughing and constricted breathing. Prescription inhalers, which clear inhaled pollen obstruction, and oral antihistamines, which reduce lung inflammation, may reduce symptoms. Cough suppressants, decongestants and lozenges can lessen mucus buildup.
In addition, boiling a mixture of water and eucalyptus, peppermint or Vicks VapoRub can open the airways. Stand over the boiling mixture with a towel over your head, deeply inhaling the vapors. Breathing in the steam from a hot shower creates a similar effect by moisturizing and opening the airways, while relieving sinus pressure and facial tenderness cause by juniper allergies.
Traditional Medicine
Limiting exposure to juniper trees and pollen provides both asthma and allergy relief. Keeping windows closed, using air purifiers and sleeping with a vaporizer may also provide comfort and lessen the effects of juniper pollen.
Seasonal winter allergy shots, in which small doses of the juniper allergen are injected into the body, may help desensitize an individual, decreasing the onset of extreme reactions. Prescription eye drops are available for allergic conjunctivitis symptoms of itchy, watery eyes. Corticosteroids, antihistamines and inhalers are other traditional treatment options that may reduce symptoms.