Allergy Myths
Moving to another climate will not rid an individual of allergies. As the body adjusts and becomes exposed to new climates, pollens, weeds and molds, new allergies will likely develop.
Pets host and carry common allergens such as dust mites and fleas, and produce dander by licking and cleaning themselves, meaning that non-shedding and short-haired animals still cause allergic reactions.
Tree and grass allergies are typically responsible for allergic rhinitis reactions of sneezing and runny nose to flowers, as tree and grass pollens are transported through air, landing on flowering plants.
Allergies and allergic asthma are incurable auto-immune diseases caused by immune deficiencies and antibody responses. Antihistamines and inhalers are not cures, and can only relieve or reduce symptoms through combating inflammation.
An individual does not outgrow allergies as most are hereditary, yet may show fewer symptoms due to less exposure to an allergen, resulting from dietary changes, decreased household irritants and less outdoor activity.