Allergies Caused by Construction
Construction causes an array of allergy triggers to become airborne and inhaled through the eyes, nose or mouth, leading to histamine releases throughout the body that cause reactions in sensitized individuals.
Inhalant allergies caused by construction may be identified through chronic symptoms of coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, congestion, breathing difficulty and itchy, watery eyes.
Construction stirs up environmental allergens such as dust, mold and chemicals, which infiltrate air ducts, appliances, heating and cooling systems and surfaces, exposing allergic people to increased triggers, causing ongoing symptom aggravation.
Limiting exposure to the construction area and opening windows for ventilation is helpful, while sealing bedroom doors, vacuuming, dusting and using air purifiers may alleviate symptoms by decreasing household triggers.
Individuals suffering from allergies related to construction may reduce symptoms with anti-inflammatory oral and topical antihistamines, decongestants, inhalers that clear allergen obstructions and allergy shots that help to desensitize.