Condom Spermicide Allergy Symptoms
Men and women may develop an allergic rash to Nonoxynol-9 that is red and irritating. A persistent rash called contact dermatitis may also develop.
Urination Problems
Urination problems such as painful and frequent urination, bloody urine and bladder pain may occur in women who develop a urinary tract infection following use of Nonoxynol-9.
Stinging and Burning
A stinging or burning sensation may develop during the use of a spermicide, indicating an allergic response. The spermicide should be removed immediately.
Another common allergic response to spermicides is an itching sensation where the spermicide has come in contact with the skin.
Allergic Vaginitis
According to, in rare cases, women can develop a case of allergic vaginitis when exposed to Nonoxynol-9 that results in rash, irritation and a whitish discharge.
Alternate Explanation
Allergic responses such as itching, irritation, stinging or burning could indicate an allergic reaction to latex rather than a spermicide.