Home Remedy for Kids Dust Allergy
Using a dehumidifier can help you get rid of the dust mites in your home that cause most of your child's dust allergies. Dust mites thrive in areas with high humidity, burrowing into fabrics and making it their abode. Instead of simply medicating your child for his allergies, get rid of the dust mites altogether by using a dehumidifier to bring the humidity level around 40 to 45 percent or below. Place one in the rooms that seem to cause the most trouble, and keep them running for clearer air.
Plastic Coverings
Dust mites love to burrow into your child's bed, where they can feed on the sloughed off skin cells that she leaves behind. The mattress is soft and an ideal place for dust mites to nest. You can remedy this problem easily by placing a plastic covering over the mattress so they are no longer able to borrow there. Use a steamer first to kill all of the current dust mites, and then slip a plastic cover over the bed, placing the sheets and blankets on top.
Freezing Toys
Another place that dust and dust mites reside is on your child's soft toys, like stuffed animals or dolls. While many of them are non-washable, you can still clean them by killing the dust mites on them. Dust them carefully first, by hitting them briskly outside to rid them all of any dust, dirt or grime. Then place them into a plastic bag and put the entire bag into the freezer. Dust mites can't tolerate the cold, and being in there for at least four hours will kill them all.