Soframycin Nasal Spray Information
Soframycin is a bottled nasal spray, in 15 mmr spray containers. Soframycin is made of three primary ingredients: Gramicidin, an anti-biotic that changes the cation content of bacterial cell walls; Phenylephrine, which reduces nasal congestion and sinus drainage; and Framycetin, which fights bacteria. It also contains water, ethanol and chlorides.
Soframycin is indicated for patients suffering from rhino-sinusitis, rhinitis, colds and patients who have just undergone nasal and sinus surgery. The spray is not indicated for long-term use--more than three to five days--as it may cause fungi to grow in the patient's nose. Regulation dose for adults is two sprays per nostril every four hours, up to six times per day.
Side Effects
Potential minimal side effects include sneezing, nasal dryness, burning and stinging in the nose. More serious side effects are observed with higher repetition of doses: heightened blood pressure, insomnia, blurred vision, cardiac arrhythmias, heart palpitations and central nervous system depression.
Certain patients should not use Soframycin, including children younger than the age of 2, people with glaucoma and patients on MAO inhibitors. Patients with other illnesses are strongly suggested to discuss them with their doctor before beginning Soframycin use due to potential interactions: hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hypertension and those using anti-depressants.
Where to Get
Soframycin is not available through United States pharmacies or doctors' prescriptions. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor who will suggest a similar medication for your symptoms. If you are set on using Soframycin, it may be obtained from Canada or online pharmacies. Please note that online pharmacies are not regulated by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration and medicines may be formulated differently. Online pharmacies often do not require prescriptions and may be found by typing the drug's name into a search engine.