Signs & Symptoms of Mold Allergies
People with mold allergies may cough and expel mucus when exposed to mold, and the coughing may cause disruptions in sleep.
Difficulty Breathing
Mold allergies may cause people to develop a stuffy or runny nose and sinus congestion, and people who also have asthma might notice their wheezing gets worse.
Itching of the eyes, nose, throat and skin may develop in people with mold allergies who are exposed to mold or damp areas.
Mold allergies might cause people to sneeze frequently when in areas with high mold concentrations, and the sneezing may last for several hours while the body tries to clear the mold spores from the nasal passages.
Sore Throat
People with mold allergies may develop a sore throat as a result of extra mucus production, and they might also notice hoarseness or scratchiness while talking.
Tearing in the eyes may develop when people with mold allergies are exposed to high concentrations of mold, and chemicals such as bleach used to remove mold may temporarily make the tearing get worse.