Remedies for Seasonal Allergies in Toddlers
Day/Night Remedies
Limiting a toddler's outdoor activity while keeping doors and windows closed in the house and car during days when the pollen and mold counts are high reduces the amount of inhalant allergen entering the body. Nasal sprays and saline-based irrigation systems relieve mucus buildup, pressure and excess fluid caused by allergic rhinitis reactions of congestion, sneezing and runny nose. Using an air purifier, vaporizer or dehumidifier in a toddler's bedroom may relieve nighttime wheezing and breathing difficulty.
Oral Antihistamines/Decongestants
Toddlers suffering from seasonal allergies may benefit from antihistamine or decongestant remedies that treat discomfort and chronic allergy symptoms that can lead to ear, sinus and respiratory infections. Antihistamines fight against allergic reactions caused by histamine releases in the body, whereas decongestants suppress congestion symptoms and coughing. Antihistamines and decongestants are available in chewable pills, disintegrating tablets and liquid syrups for children ages 2 and up. Consulting with a pediatrician prior to administering medications is advised.
Topical Treatments
Bathing a toddler in lukewarm water with a moisturizing, gentle soap helps eliminate surface allergies and related eczema, rashes and hives due to inhaled allergens or pollen and mold spores that have landed on the skin. Applying mild skin moisturizers and topical antihistamines containing hydrocortisone following a bath provides further relief of itchy irritations. Bathing and grooming household pets that carry surface allergens on their fur and skin and limiting pet contact with toddlers is helpful.