Sinus Problems Caused by Food Allergies
An allergic reaction to a certain food is the body's way of defending itself. The body recognizes a certain food as harmful and attacks it with histamine, resulting in adverse reactions throughout the body. For some people, the reaction is the inflammation of the sinus cavities.
When the body releases histamine, the body can react with various reactions such as hives, shortness of breath or mucus production. The most common sinus problem caused by food allergies is the inflammation of the sinus cavity causing excessive congestion.
The effect of sinus problems related to food allergies can be sinusitis or a sinus infection. If the inflammation of the sinus cavity persists, it can cause an infection to set it complicating the situation. The other effects are foggy brain, sleepiness and physical weakness.
Identifying what foods cause your body to react with sinus congestion is essential to your health. Every body is different, so it may take time to properly discover which foods are causing this responds in your body. The most common foods that cause sinus issues are dairy products, foods with highly refined sugars like high-fructose corn syrup and chocolate.
The most common symptoms of sinus problem related to food allergies is sinus congestion, runny nose, post-nasal drip, sinus pressure and headaches. If these symptoms persist for more than seven days, seek medical advice.