Fluoride Allergy Symptoms

Allergies affect people in a number of ways. Some people have food allergies, others are allergic to common airborne particles such as pollen and still other individuals are allergic to random, isolated elements. Fluoride is a chemical that few people are allergic, but can be dangerous to someone who is. According to www.fluoridealert.org, "1% of people ingesting 1-mg fluoride tablets exhibited allergic/hypersensitive reactions to fluoride."
  1. Facts

    • Fluoride is commonly found in dental products, water and various foods and is harmless to 99 percent of the population. The 1 percent of people who are allergic can suffer mild to severe consequences if ingested. An allergic reaction is the body's way of defending itself. In an individual who is allergic to fluoride, the immune system perceives fluoride as a potentially harmful substance. It will produce antibodies and histamine to ward off the substance. This produces common allergic symptoms of water eyes, itchy throat and excessive sneezing.


    • The specific symptoms of an allergic reaction to fluoride include, but are not limited to: skin rashes, canker sores, upset stomach, head pain, and physical and mental weakness. Some people rarely experience swelling in the face, tongue or lips as a reaction to fluoride.


    • The most-common treatment for a fluoride allergic reaction is to take an over-the-counter antihistamine. The most common antihistamine for treating allergic reactions is diphenhydramine, more commonly known as Benadryl. The medication should begin relieving the symptoms within 15 minutes. If the symptoms persist more than one hour after taking diphenhydramine, see a medical professional immediately. Prescription drugs may be needed.


    • The best way to prevent an allergic reaction to fluoride is to educate yourself on the products that contain fluoride. Avoid tap water and buy either distilled or reverse-osmosis bottled water that does not have fluoride as an additive. Some of the most-common foods and beverages with high levels of fluoride are: processed cereals, bottled juices, sodas, fish and processed chicken. Eat organic and 100 percent natural foods to avoid fluoride additives in food and beverage.


    • The most severe reaction to fluoride is anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is an extreme reaction where the body experiences shock and begins to shut down. Someone experiencing anaphylactic shock is in danger of passing out, loosing his or her breath and even experiencing a seizure. Anaphylactic shock is a serious reaction and needs to be addressed immediately by calling 9-1-1.

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