Chemical Allergy Treatments
Medical Treatment
When you are diagnosed with chemical allergies such as formaldehyde, phenol and glycerin, allergy doctors usually develop neutralizing drops for treatment. If you are allergic to a particular chemical, neutralizing drops can help you cope with symptoms when you are exposed to these chemical irritants. You should use these drops before encountering a particular chemical exposure (i.e. at work). Allergy shots or immunotherapy against pollen or mold may also improve your immunity to certain chemicals. You should always avoid being around perfumes or cleaning agents that adversely affect your health. Most people with chemical allergies are allergic to multiple chemicals. It is nearly impossible to test a person for the thousands of existing chemicals. Removing yourself from exposure and using the drops when you need them is the best medical remedy.
Holistic Treatment
Natural medical doctors or practitioners of holistic medicine have a number of therapies for chemical allergies. They often treat these people with combinations of homeopathic herbs, such as tumeric, red clover, myrrh, milk thistle astragalus, nettle and other herbs. Most of these are designed to boost your immunity so you can better handle exposure to perfumes, cleaners and soaps. Simultaneously, you should take high doses of vitamins and minerals for your immunity and healthy cell maintenance. Also, some vitamin companies have immunity-boosting supplements, which can make you less reactive to certain chemicals.
Candida Albicans Treatment
If you have chemical allergies, you probably have candida albicans overgrowth. Candida albicans is a fungus that lives naturally in the body. An overproduction or excess can severely hinder your immunity. Treatment is designed to eliminate fungus, toxins and parasites that can heighten a person's sensitivities to chemicals. Probiotics or "friendly" bacteria can replenish natural bacteria in the digestive tract, which erodes as it fights the excess fungus. Digestive enzymes can be taken to kill the excess candida fungus. This can be purchased at health food stores.
You will need to detox to rid your body of fungus, toxins and parasites. There are a number of ways you can detox. You can do colon cleanses or juice with raw vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers and radishes. Sitting in a sauna can also detox your body as it kills unhealthy cells that may be hindering your immunity level. Medical doctors often prescribe nystatin to kill excess candida.
The Best Treatment
The problem with chemical allergies is that everyone has a different tolerance level. Avoidance is always best, but this can be nearly impossible on a job. A three-prong approach of increasing vitamin and mineral intake, taking probiotics and digestive enzymes and detoxing is usually the best treatment for chemical allergies.