Skin Allergies in Children
Milk Allergies
Skin allergies in infants typically begin with visible symptoms of rashes and eczema that may be accompanied by vomiting, nausea and irritability due to food allergies resulting from milk consumption.
Food Allergies
Childhood food allergies to common triggers such as chocolate, peanuts, eggs, aged cheeses, wheat, corn, shellfish and finned fish may result in skin symptoms, including itchy hives and rashes that spread with scratching and are accompanied by allergic rhinitis symptoms such as congestion, breathing difficulty, wheezing, itchy eyes, sore throat, coughing and runny nose.
Dust Mites\ Allergies
Skin allergies to dust mites may cause a rash in children that is more pronounced while sleeping, as dust mites thrive in bedding, pillows and mattresses, infiltrating a child's skin and resulting in intense discomfort and itching while sleeping or upon waking up.
Fleas, mites, ticks and other insects cause skin irritation in children allergic to pest saliva, resulting in blisters, redness, swollen skin, welts and hives, with anaphylaxis potentially occurring in children with severe insect allergies.
Topical skin allergies can be caused by sensitivity to temperature changes, physical exertion, anxiety, sun exposure, chalk dust, animal dander and materials such as wool, metal and plastics, causing chronic hives that may be itchy and painful because of inflammation, scabbing and spreading.
Skin allergies in children can be treated with over-the-counter topical ointments, creams and salves containing antihistamines for short-term reduction of symptoms, while allergy testing and follow-up care through prescription oral or topical antihistamines, corticosteroids, inhalers, immunizations and EpiPen injections for emergencies, is recommended for children with genetic predispositions and chronic allergy symptoms.