Allergies Caused by Remodeling & Painting
Pulling up carpeting and flooring, moving furniture, storing remodeling materials and increasing movement from workers can create, disturb and transport infestations of dust mites throughout a home, resulting in symptoms such as congestion, wheezing, sneezing and watery, itchy eyes.
Mold spores accumulate in dry walls, beneath surfaces and flooring,and in wallboard, causing spores to fester and become airborne during structural remodeling projects. This can lead to allergic skin irritations, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms in sensitized individuals.
Kitchen remodeling to cabinetry, flooring, pipes and appliances can cause dust, mold and chemicals to infiltrate cooking areas, dishes and exposed food, causing reactions of nasal and lung inflammation due to inhalation and ingestion of allergens.
Paints, paint thinners, varnishes, adhesives, new carpets and cleaners used during remodeling contain chemicals that may trigger symptoms, including: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, congestion, chest tightness and breathing difficulty in individuals suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) allergies.
Allergies due to remodeling and repainting can be relieved with topical and oral antihistamines, allergy shots, inhalers, prescription corticosteroids and nebulizer treatments.
Limiting indoor exposure during remodeling projects and reducing allergens may alleviate chronic allergy symptoms. To do so, ventilate a home with open windows, dehumidifiers, fans and air purifiers, vacuum and dust surfaces and upholstery daily, clean out vents and ducts, and use toxin-free paints and materials.