Cavernous Sinus Syndrome Management
Cavernous Sinus Syndrome
The condition known as cavernous sinus syndrome is caused by some pathologic conditions that affect either the cranial nerves (trochlear, maxillary, ophthalmic, oculomotor, and abducens), or the carotid artery, or the pituitary gland, or the cavernous sinus and the sphenoid sinus.
Pathologic conditions (diseases, inflammations, lesions or infections) generally don't just affect one portion of the cavernous sinus area (the nerves, for example). Instead, they tend to affect more than one part of the area simultaneously (like the nerves and the sinus).
Managing More Than One Condition
Unlike, say, brain cancer, cavernous sinus syndrome isn't just one medical problem being experienced in one area of the body only. With cavernous sinus syndrome, you may experience more than one type of pathologic condition in more than one area, simultaneously. For example, you could have inflammation and infection in the sphenoid sinus while also experiencing lesions on the oculomotor at the same time. It is a complicated condition.
Management Consideration
Managing one single condition, like diabetes, is a lot different than trying to manage several at one time in the same physical body area. So managing the nerves, artery, and other cavernous sinus components in the skull---and any pathologic conditions that pose a threat to their continued functioning---requires the ability to see the big picture, medically. That means consulting with specialists like a neurologist and an ophthalmologist as you attempt to manage one, two, or more pathologic conditions that make up cavernous sinus syndrome.
Managing and Knowledge
You can't manage something you don't understand. So in order to manage cavernous sinus syndrome it is important to learn as much from the medical community (and your specific doctors) about the pathological conditions you are experiencing as a result of cavernous sinus syndrome.
Managing Treatment
Just as you need to understand the diseases, infections, inflammations or lesions you are experiencing as a result of cavernous sinus syndrome, it is equally important to follow to the letter any medical advice or treatment guidelines provided by your physicians. Otherwise, successful management cannot be accomplished and setbacks or worsening conditions may occur. After all, you can't successfully manage an illness if you refuse to follow doctor's orders.