Allergic Reactions to Cosmetic Ingredients
The ever increasing demand and sale of fragrances and cosmetics in the United States has precipitated a spate of lawsuits. More people than ever are suffering from allergies caused by cosmetic ingredients. The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) is behind some of the lawsuits, protecting allergy sufferers and their right to a safe working environment. Several major manufacturers such as Estee Lauder and Clinique have been sued in recent years.
Types of Skin Reactions
The most common allergic reactions to cosmetic ingredients are skin rashes and acne on the face, lips, eyelids, ears and neck. People often react to the minerals, chemicals, preservatives and colors in certain products. They normally suffer from two types of skin reactions: irritant contact dermatitis and allergy contact dermatitis. The latter can cause oozing blisters and infections. According to the Mineral Makeup Expert website, studies show that 10 percent of the population has allergic reactions to cosmetic ingredients.
Other Types of Reactions
Perfumes and scented cosmetics can cause a number of symptoms. Some women react to the chemicals or pungent fragrances. Symptoms can include irritated eyes or blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, a burning tongue or nostrils, bronchiospasms and asthma. Some people have even been known to pass out or go into anaphylactic shock when exposed to certain cosmetic ingredients. These reactions can also affect other people including coworkers, spouses and people in close proximity, like in movie theaters.
Long-Term Effects
According to OSHA, long-term exposure to certain cosmetics can cause permanent disabilities in people. Multiple chemical sensitivities, an autoimmune disease, is gaining more national attention as more people get sick from cosmetic ingredients. Some people who constantly work around cosmetics such as beauticians have developed this ailment. It is also even possible to develop cancer from overexposure to these pernicious chemicals and synthetic substances.
Common Irritants in Cosmetics
People can react to a number of chemicals in cosmetics, including formaldehyde, phenol and glycerin. These allergens often cause nasal or respiratory problems. Most skin reactions to makeup are attributed to an ingredient called bismuth oxycholoride, a mineral used in making lead and copper. It is used to cover up wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Other skin reactions can stem from preservatives and dyes contained in various facial creams and makeup.