Natural Help for Tree Pollen Allergies
A Neti Pot
Originally from India, the neti pot has made its way to the United States as a successful way to naturally irrigate the nasal passages. Neti pots cleanse the nose, thus washing out pollen. They are easy-to-use, inexpensive and can be found in many pharmacies or health food stores.
To use a neti pot, fill the pot with warm, salted water. Insert the spout of the pot into one nostril. Tilt the head to allow the water to circulate through one nostril and flow out the other. Repeat with the other nostril. Use the neti pot daily.
Homeopathic Remedy
Homeopathic remedies are alternative natural options that can be bought online or at health food stores. No prescription is required and adverse effects are rare. Ambrosia artemisiae folia helps relieve hay fever symptoms. Ambrosia comes in a pellet form (30c). The pellet should be shaken out onto a spoon or the bottle cap, because homeopathic medicine should not be touched. Place it under the tongue to dissolve. Avoid food or drink 30 minutes prior and after remedy. Relief can be immediate, or take up to several hours.
The best natural help for tree pollen is to prevent pollen from coming into the home. Pollen can come into any home on pets, clothing and through open windows.
• Wash bedding weekly in hot water.
• Vacuum carpets or clean floor often.
• Keep home and car windows and doors closed.
• Dust with a damp cloth weekly.
• Wash pets often because they can carry pollen on their fur.
• Use an air purifier.
• Avoid being outside from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. when pollen is at its highest.
• Shower after being outside.
• Do not hang laundry outside to dry.
Trees to Avoid
If you plan to have trees in a home yard, avoid planting those that trigger allergies. Below is a list of tree species that do not aggravate allergies.
• Crape myrtle
• Dogwood
• Fig
• Fir
• Palm
• Pear
• Plum
• Redbud
• Redwood Trees
• Female cultivars of ash, box elder, cottonwood, maple, palm, poplar or willow trees